Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moving on

Ok so after a great week-end the very monday after the Sunday we got back home I went to the hospital to get my blood test reults....well I went to a private hospital a about 2 weeks before and the docotor insisted I see a hematologist and get my anemia problem which i have had since as long as I can remember sorted out...thing is the best hematologist in my state was in the public hsopital, I didn't mind though, becase it was just a check up right.... WRONG! My hemglobin was so low the doctor said she was suprised I was walking around..and there was no way I was flying!

Next thing you know my worst nightmare began! I had to be admitted! and in the public hospital there is no chance of getting first class wards! even doctor's parents were waiting! so I had no choice but to settle for an open ward.. oh boy I CRIED and Whined so much! ok Fastfoward.......

In the end I was in there for 3 days...I was allowed to go home everyday for two hours to shower and use the loo! thank goodness!!!

BUT what happens when its 2 am and you need to pee so badly!!!!!!!!!! well you got to go of course... I CLOSED MY EYES HELD MY BREATHE and used the loo..WOW!! what an accomplishment...considering my OCD...yes folks... I have OCD and I used a public hospital ward toilet!!! Well after two blood transfusions, heaps of blood tests,and an endescope and a pile of medicine I was sent home!

and now the pictues....

To be continued.....

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