Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shall we continue?

I promise to be quick..

ok lets see I came out of hospital and was just bumming around waiting to go back to Aus BUT! I was not so fortunate...I continued to be illl...was in and out of emergency(public hospital) for about a week....finally my parents said NOPE this is not good and I was rushed to a private hospital after an episode at home...I was in hospital for 3 days and was happily discharged on a friday...however on Monday I was back in and was there for a like 12 days or something.( 1 week of uni had passed)...4 days after was discharged I flew off to Aus back to uni!

Another BUT!

Three weeks in Aus and I was yet again on a plane ...this time coming back to good ol Penang to get treatment because I couldn't cope.

Shaun was kind enough to put on a show for me!

I love their super comfy pyjamas!

oh WAIT! how could I forget....My friends in Aus sent me off with a bang!

Scrapbook with messages from all of them in it!

The inside

My other prezzies

See guys there..that little island....that's where I am going

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